The COACH Timer - Avatar Sports Electronics

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The COACH Timer
The function of a Segment Timer in a athletics training program can be a range of posible things. The  goal of the DRILLClock design team was to create a Segment Timer with functions that addressed each facet of what a Segment Timer is to a coaching staff and to their training program. Creating a visual user control interface, where direct interaction by coaches could be made with minimul selection through menus. What can be a frustrating "programming" a time schedule has become a purposful choice of adding time and segments or subtracting time and segments from the timer schedule that you are making. The new timer would be remote controlled from over 100 yards plus it would be the easiest to edit your schedule on the fly during a practice, without the fear of breaking your schedule!  A completely new operation system would offer a coaching staff a tool that was really easy to operate and when needed, make changes to their practice schedule.

The COACH Timer operating system is made up with 40 PERIODS. Each PERIOD is numbered from 0 to 39, with each PERIOD containing a unique set of attributes. The operator controls the system where he has button pairs for directly affecting the PERIOD functions. Button pairs that are color coded,  grey for PERIOD Up and Down, Yellow for TIME plus and minus, green for the number of time SEGMENTs plus and minus.  To directly set and edit the attributes for a PERIOD, it is a simple matter of using the grey buttons to locate the desired PERIOD and then set the Time for the segments using the yellow buttons,  and then how many of these timed segments you want to run using the green Segment buttons. What makes this system unique is that you can go to any of the forty PERIODs, and change any of these settings or all, in any order without selecting a menue or navigating further. Make any change and if you decide to keep it, press SAVE. That same method includes other features found in each Period such as adding in a time delay between each of the Segments. There is a button that will make the time that you set be counted as minutes or as seconds.

Get an idea of what we are doing with the COACH Timer at the link:

Avatar Custom Electronics 2022
Tools for Coaching Athletics
Made in the USA
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